
Annual & Interim Reports and Accounts Download latest

31 Mar 2024 2024 Half-Yearly Financial Report PDF
30 Sep 2023 2023 Report & Accounts PDF
31 Mar 2023 2023 Half-Yearly Financial Report PDF
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KIID and other Investor Documents Download latest

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Kepler Reports Download latest

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Presentations Download latest

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RNS Announcements

Important Legal Information

This information is important. Please read it carefully and by continuing to use the site you agree to the terms as set out and have had notice of the disclosures and warnings.


1.1 This legal information should be construed in accordance with English law. It can be accessed throughout the Site by clicking on the ‘Important Legal Information’ link on each page. It provides access to important information about the purpose and status of the information being provided. This includes details of legal and regulatory disclosures and warnings that are designed to inform and protect investors and potential investors.

1.2 This Site provides information about the Company and its associated companies or subsidiaries (if any).

1.3 An application for any investment or service referred to on this Site may only be made on the basis of the relevant document, or other applicable terms relating to the specific investment or service.

1.4 An application for any investment or service referred to on this Site may only be made on the basis of the relevant document, or other applicable terms relating to the specific investment or service.

1.5 The Company confirms that it currently conducts its affairs so that its shares can be recommended by independent financial advisers to retail private investors in accordance with the Financial Conduct Authority's ("FCA") rules in relation to non-mainstream investment products and intends to continue to do so for the foreseeable future. The shares are excluded from the FCA's restrictions which apply to non-mainstream investment products because they are shares in a UK-listed investment trust.

1.6 By proceeding you agree to the terms set out below and have had notice of the disclosures and warnings.


2.1 The contents of the Site have been issued and approved by Marylebone Partners LLP, which is regulated in the United Kingdom by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA).

2.2 Majedie Investments PLC (the Company) believes that the information contained on this Site is accurate at the date of publication, but accepts no liability for inaccuracy. It may be changed without prior notice. The information on this Site is approved for issue by the Company.


3.1 The Site provides information about the Company but does not constitute investment advice. An investment in the Company may not be suitable for all investors and if you are unclear about any of the information on this Site, please contact an independent financial adviser before making any investment or financial decision.

3.2 The information contained in this Site does not constitute an offer to buy or sell shares in the Company, nor is the information directed at any jurisdiction in which such offer, sale or recommendation is not authorised. This Site is not directed to any person in any jurisdiction where (by reason of that person's nationality, residence or otherwise) the publication or availability of this Site is prohibited. Persons in respect of whom such prohibitions apply must not access this Site. In particular, this Site is reserved exclusively for non-US Persons and should not be accessed by any person in the United States. The information herein is not for distribution to and does not constitute an offer to sell or the solicitation of any offer to buy any securities in the United States of America to or for the benefit of United States persons.


4.1 Before investing into shares in the Company you are required to have been provided with certain disclosures as required under legislation. These are the Key Information Document which can be accessed here, and the Investor Disclosure Document which can be accessed here. By proceeding and continuing to use the site you agree that you have seen the disclosures.


5.1 The value of shares and any income from them can go down as well as up and you may not get back all that you have invested. Please be advised that any return estimates or indications of past performance on this Site are for information purposes and can in no way be construed as a guarantee of future performance.

5.2 The price of the shares in investment trusts is determined by supply and demand and is therefore not necessarily the same as the value of the underlying assets.

5.3 In a building society or bank account your money is secure, whereas in a stockmarket-based investment it is exposed to a degree of risk.

5.4 Changes in currency rates of exchange may have an adverse effect on the value of or income from the Company’s shares.

5.5 Levels and bases of taxation are subject to change and will depend on your personal circumstances. You should consult your own professional advisers on the tax implications of making an investment in, holding or disposing of any of the Company’s shares, and on the receipt of dividends. In particular, ISAs are subject to government legislation and as such their tax benefits may be changed in the future.


These exclusions do not restrict any duty on which the Company may have by any applicable law or regulation.

6.1 Accuracy of information: The Company believes that the information contained in documents which may be viewed on this Site is accurate as at the date of publication of such documents and where a particular page of this Site is dated, the information on such page is believed to be accurate as at such date; however no warranty is made to the accuracy, suitability or completeness of any such information. The Company hereby excludes and liability for loss (direct or consequential) arising from the use of any part of this Site.

6.2 Financial Statements: The financial statements published on this Site are believed to be accurate as at the date they are first presented on the Site. The work carried out by the auditors does not involve consideration of the maintenance and integrity of this Site and, accordingly, neither The Company nor the auditors accept responsibility for any changes that may have occurred to The Company or its financial statements since the financial statements were first presented on the Site.

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6.5 Third Party Material & Links to Other Sites: The Site may contain or be linked to advice or statements of third parties. We make no representation as to the accuracy, completeness, timeliness or suitability of such information, and we have not and will not review or update such information and caution you that any use made of such information is at your own risk.

6.6 Email Security: Messages that you send to us by e-mail may not be secure. We recommend that you do not send any confidential information to us by e-mail. If you choose to send any confidential information to us via e-mail you do so at your own risk with the knowledge that a third party may intercept this information and we do not accept any responsibility for the security or integrity of such information.


7.1 All copyright, patent, intellectual and other property in the information contained in this Site is held by The Company.

7.2 No rights of any kind are licensed or assigned or shall otherwise pass to persons accessing this information.

7.3 You may download or print copies of the reports or information contained within this Site for your own private non-commercial use only, provided that you do not change any copyright, trade mark or other proprietary notices; all other copying, reproducing, transmitting, distributing or displaying of material on this Site (by any means and in whole or in part) is prohibited.


8.1 Scope: We take the privacy of our users seriously. We are committed to safeguarding the privacy of our users while providing a personalised service. The Privacy Policy explains our data processing practices and information on how the Company collects and processes your personal data as a controller of the data supplied by shareholders and potential investors through the use of this website. The Privacy Policy is set out on the website. Use of Information: We will treat your personal details as confidential. No information will be passed to another party other than where you have indicated your consent to the passing of your data for customer administration and/or marketing purposes or unless we are legally obliged to do so.

8.2 The Data Protection Laws require that information held by us is kept up to date and held for no longer than is necessary. To this end, we ask that any changes to your circumstances be notified to us at the earliest opportunity. We may retain records of your information for a time after providing any services to enable us to resolve any subsequent queries and to comply with legislative requirements.

8.3 Please click here to view our privacy policy.